wooieee... pig souieee
ok so i should probably write something more about myself than just posting the myriad of articles that i have read online. i'm gonna do this randomly until i have it all here and so it does not bore the 3 people out there reading this blog.
i grew up on a farm in northern arkansas. yes insert whatever appropriate no shoes/indoor plumping/literacy joke you want here, although in response... i have too many / always had it and don’t like any situation without it / yes i can and quite well.

arkansas is an interesting place because you get the red-necks and what-not, but there is also a large community of very educated, very liberal society dropouts living in the mountains. when i was accepted to smith college my school counselor had to look it up. the school is only a female ivy that has been in existence since the mid-1800's... but i see how a guy whose job is to recommend colleges to students could have missed that... oy! so after getting accepted i went to work to share the good news. to set-up the scene i must describe where i worked. i worked in a coffee house in jasper, arkansas. population 250. its the largest town in the county and it on the tourist route down hwy 7. one would think if they guy in the town of 10,000 doesn't know smith college, then no one in this pin-prick of "town" is going to know. so i start telling some of the regulars. to my surprise i'm getting hugs and congratulations all around. now i spent a lot of time with these people schlepping them coffee. i knew they were all highly intelligent, well read, etc etc... but i knew nothing about their backgrounds. suddenly in the town of 250 there are graduates of every major learning institution in america... mit, cornell, nyu, barnard, etc etc. looks can be deceiving and its easy to underestimate people...
there is no doubt i encountered some interesting responses about where i was from once i made it college , but that kids is for another time... now i need to think about not procrastinating and writing a new cover letter
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